Here's my 24 before 25
1. Drive up Island by myself.
I have a ridiculous fear of the highway that goes up island. It's twisty, narrow, and you always hear about crashes from people driving stupidly. But I really like the idea of getting out of the city sometimes, and the only other route to elsewhere is on the mainland, which a little cost prohibitive with a $85.00 ferry ride. Also, the Whippletree Junction, which houses the most AMAZING retro antique store/book store is in Duncan... incentive, right?
2. Visit Chilliwack.
I grew up in a small-(ish...okay it's 80,000 people) farming town about an hour or so away from Vancouver. I've been back once in five years, which kind of makes me terrible. All my family is from here, so I don't have a reason to visit for holidays etc, but I do miss friends there and miss where I grew up. (despite the rampant crime, smell of manure and smog... but who can say no to water-slides and mountains? not this lady) Plus, I've never eaten a cupcake from
Little Bow Sweets
, so this needs to be rectified immediately.
3. Design a WordPress site.
I'm going to school and learning how to do this, and I hope it can be super interactive and fancy. That's my plan.
4. Make a card line.
Man, I'm giving away
my secrets in this one. I've been planning to put my doodles onto cards and see about selling them online and in shops! It's a dream of mine and I'm taking steps to make it a reality.
5. Sell a card.
Making a card line is one thing, selling them is another! haha
6. Start a project life binder or some kind of scrap book.
I'm really bad at this kind of thing, but I love the results. As I'm taking more pictures lately, it would be nice to have some way to display them. (this might have to start after school, I'm already feeling bombarded!)
7. Do a craft fair.
The last one was a bit of a bomb, but I think in the right venue and the right audience my stuff would do pretty well. I was also extraordinarily shy for the last one, being a receptionist is pretty good training for talking with the public.
8. Eat healthier, get in shape
(the perennial goal, right?) But I really am taking steps to stop being so cooped up indoors working on indoor things when the weather is nice.
9. Make Dearest Doodles something better.
Expand the content, make the content better, create a gallery... just basically market my drawings in a better way.
10. Learn to bring my camera with me
.. most of the time. Sometimes carrying around a huge heavy camera is a super pain in the bum, but I want to just haul the thing around with me so I can get some more spontaneous photos.
11. Phew, is anyone finding this a lot of things yet? I sure am! Number eleven is
get a larger tattoo,
or at least plan it out. I kind of want to reward myself for getting in shape by getting a tattoo on my upper arm, like I've always dreamed. Definitely exciting for a tattoo lover like me. I feel unfinished.
12. Find love
. Well, that's always nice, isn't it? I'm not going to kick myself too hard for this one if it doesn't happen, but I'm going to try. Online dating profile? Check. Receptive to meeting new people? Check. Lots of terrible coffee dates that make me want to cry? Strange people that make air quotes constantly? Awkward walks in the rain? Confusing signals and feeling like I want to be alone forever? Rejection? Check. Check. Check. Check and Check. Is it worth it?
13. Write and illustrate a children's book.
Yup, definitely giving away ALL my secrets on this one. This MIGHT be in the works.... maybe one day I'll say more. *shifty eyes*
14. Have longer hair.
No more pixie cuts. I mean it! No matter how ugly/awkward/bushy my hair gets.
Learn adobe illustrator, photoshop, coding etc.
(enrolled in school so I'd say that's a check)
16. De clutter and fine tune my home.
With a lot of hobbies comes a lot of stuff. But I don't want my house to look like I have a lot of stuff, just nice homey stuff that I love. I'm gonna work on storage, getting rid of junk, and making things work.
17. Find a proper sketchbook.
Use it. A lot. Actually draw stuff and experiment. For a "creative" person I'm waaaay too controlled when it comes to sketchbooks. I want everything to be perfect. That's not what they are for. I need to learn this!
18. Revamp blogs.
I've taken Elsie's E-Course Blog {Design} Love and am going to work on the designs for both my blogs.
19. Read 15 books
(we'll see!) I usually only read when I'm totally burnt out from everything else I could be doing (so sad, but I've gotten a few under my belt due to my knitting absence, so we'll see!)
20. Blog more
. Just write about what I'm working on, take more pictures, share more things. Try to find a balance between scheduled posts and spontaneity.
21. Start knitting again.
Maybe not as manically as I used to, and probably won't be taking a ton of commissions. I want to stock up for that craft fair I want to do. I want to have a totally kick-ass table.
22. Rewrite Resume
with all the cool things I've learned at school, and with all the skills I've learned working my current job. I'm a completely different person from that awkward, shy girl who applied for the receptionist position seven months ago. Seriously, how can seven months change someone so completely? Craziness!
23. Learn to enjoy baking.
Okay, this is probably a stretch. Okay, a huge stretch. It's in direct defiance of #8. But I kinda wouldn't mind a batch of cookies in the often every one in awhile... we'll see.
24. Get people to actually read this blog.
Well, I've had 10,000 views.... not too shabby, but I'd love to get some regular, commenting readers. Probably going to have to branch out and advertise more. Maybe get a business plan... hmmm.... haha. (thank you for those who do read! I appreciate you!)
Phew. That's worse than New Years.