Tuesday Treasures

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

What a summer the west coast is having! I think we've had about 5 hot days all year! It's hard not to feel envious looking at other blogger's lovely t-shirt weather, popsicle recipes and days at the pool! I've been carrying umbrellas, putting the heat on, wearing slippers and drinking hot chocolate and it's almost July!  I'm not really complaining--- I'm very lucky to not be affected by the flooding that's happening in BC right now. Basically, this rain just has to stop. Everything is green and then some, Mother Nature, you can hold off for awhile!

This cloudy, rainy weather, plus being inside all morning doing accounting (I got an A in the last course, btw! Thank Goodness!) has got me kind of blue (still another accounting course to go) so I decided to theme this week's Tuesday Treasures after our lovely summer weather...

Tuesday Treasures is a  weekly feature--- featuring my favourite handmade goods from Etsy Artists, Crafters and Makers! I provide links at the bottom of each post so you can check out these awesome goods!

1. Raindrop Ring

2. Cloud Mobile

3. Rainy Day Bonnet,

4. Rubber boot liners

5. Girl and Dog Painting

How's the weather like where you are? Rainy and cold like here? Nice and sunny? Comment where you are and how the weather is!

Pandora Bracelet

I decided to make my own Pandora bracelet with supplies from Etsy.  I ordered the bracelet, a few select charms, and a few filler beads for my 23rd birthday. I love the idea of having the charms without having so many pieces hanging off to catch on things. It's also not so delicate--- it makes quite a statement!  While it probably clocked in at $100.00.... considering a bead or a bracelet costs $50.00 in stores... I think it's quite a bargain!

Each of the charms has meaning:

Anchor: Blue Anchor Crafts and where I live.

Crown: Represents my history degree, which was largely British History based

Yarn Ball: My love of knitting and my dollies

Soon I'm getting a little medical charm to represent my graduation from my Medical Office Assistant course... for eight dollars!

The peachy pink crystal-ish beads are gorgeous. They're such a pretty colour. I bought a little bag of coloured crystal hearts which are a little dangley and add a pop of colour. I'm going to go down to my local bead shop and see if I can find a few lamp-work beads to add! 

I highly recommend finding a bracelet on Etsy and filling up a few beads for yourself or a loved one. It's so fun to search for all the different charms in all the different categories!

Tuesday Treasures

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

First a little update: 

Whew! I had a busy week. I finished off my business writing class (thank goodness! --- if I have to look at one more ambiguously written multiple choice test I will scream). I'm starting accounting now, which seems like it will be a bit more interesting. Never thought I'd say that-- haha!

In my off time I've been quite enthralled with the television show "Bones". It's hard to watch while eating at times, as the dead bodies they are studying look rather realistic... but it's quite an entertaining show. For the non-squeamish (or the desensitized like me) I highly recommend it!

Onto this weeks Etsy Favourites: 

I've really taken a shine to this type of jewellery lately. I loved crystals, gemstones and minerals when I was a child. When I was six my mother bought me a geode from the local science store and I was enthralled. There is a shop called "Mineral World" in Sidney (north of Victoria) which has a "scratch patch" where children can sift through tumbled rocks. Such fun childhood memories. I never imagined wearing a geode! Cool and beautiful!

1. Mint Green Agate

2. Titanium Druzy Studs 

3. Geode Ring

4. Geode Necklace

5. Teardrop Earrings

6. Silver Necklace

Hope you enjoyed this week's Tuesday Treasures. Go check out these great Etsy Sellers and have a great week!

Tuesday Treasures

Happy Tuesday Everyone! 

I decided to make this week's theme robots! I knitted two robots last week--- a boy and a girl. I'm super excited about them and hope to make more! 

It is so cold and rainy out this week. I can't believe its June... it feels like November. I have a 5 page Business Report to write this week (again-- what does this have to do with my future career... I'm going to be an MOA!) It won't take too long though, so I'll be curled up on my couch, blanket in my lap, with a cup of tea, knitting away. 

Here's Mr. Robot and his girlfriend Kamiko. (Yes, I'm silly) 

This week's Tuesday Treasures: 


1. Nightlight

2. Steampunk Necklace

3. Banner

4. Mug

5. Shoes

6. Robot Earrings

Hope everyone has a lovely week! Did you do anything exciting this weekend?